Review a Range of Different Assessment Methods Available and Explain the Ones You Would Use for Your Subject Area. Evaluate the Use of Assessment Methods in Different Contexts Including Reference to Initial Assessment.

Review a range of different assessment methods available and explain the ones you would use for your subject area.   Evaluate the use of assessment methods in different contexts including reference to initial assessment.   Justify the types of assessment records you would complete and why.There are many methods of assessment in teaching and they all fall into one or more of the following three categories: initial, formative and summative.

Initial assessment is carried out before a course starts or as it is just beginning, it is used to identify where a learner stands in relation to the aims and objectives of the course and to ascertain the learners needs. Examples of initial assessment include interviews, questionnaires, application forms, aptitude tests, practical demonstration, observation, psychometric tests and literacy and numeracy tests.

Formative assessment is ongoing throughout the course, it recognises the learner’s progress and achievements so far, identifies any problems or needs and helps the teacher and student to refocus and work towards the end goal. Formative assessments include feedback, assignments, reflective journals, portfolio building, questioning and answering, exams, individual learning plans, observation, tests, projects, practical demonstrations, appraisals and questionnaires.

Summative assessments are carried out at the end of a course and are a final measure of a student’s and teacher’s achievement in meeting the aims and objectives of the course. Summative assessment methods include exams, practical demonstrations, review, evaluation, completed portfolio, dissertations, skills tests, completed projects, observed practice, feedback, placements and suggestions for progression.

In self defence, a very practical subject, initial assessment could be carried out using an enrolment form asking for details of previous experience, questioning in a group situation could also be used to ascertain the learner’s knowledge and skills....