Ressurection and Judgment

Throughout the world there are hundreds of different religions. These consist primarily of Abrahamic religions and the non-Abrahamic religions commonly referred to as “Eastern religions”.   Derived from the Islamic term, Milat Ibrahim, meaning the path of Abraham, there are numerous religions that claim to be   Abrahamic, yet three are more prominent than the others, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. While there are great differences amongst the three they all share in some very basic concepts. This paper will show that despite the many arguments amongst the the followers Judaism, Christianity, and Islam they all share common beliefs about   Resurrection of the Dead and Final Judgment or Judgment Day... {text omitted}

Despite them all being “People of the Book”, there is little agreement upon which scriptures are the true word of God. Judaism's sacred text is called the Tanakh, which is said to be an acronym for subdivisions in which it is divided:: Torah, Nevi'im (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings) which consists... {text omitted}

Despite them all being “People of the Book”, there is little agreement upon which scriptures are the true word of God. Judaism's sacred text is called the Tanakh, which is said to be an acronym for subdivisions in which it is divided:: Torah, Nevi'im (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings) which consists of the books of the Old Testament which is believed to be the divine revelation and writings of the prophets. The sacred text of Christianity is also the Bible, but the Christian Bible includes the New Testament, entailing the life words, and working of Jesus, Son of God, as well as the prophets of God. The Qur'an (Koran) is the holy text of Islam...

Christianity teaches that it is through Jesus, the Son of God, that man finds salvation and that Jesus was crucified on the cross and died for the sins of man kind and was later resurrected. Islam rejects Christian ideology that Jesus was the son of God or God in the flesh, instead   viewing...