Research Paper

Muhammad Al-Kadah
Dr. Mitchell
December 3, 2009
Refill – Not Landfill

      In the past decade, bottled water has become a fast growing industry. It seems like everyone carries a container of bottled water on the go. In addition, concerns about the quality of tap water in the United States have grown. Moreover, many people use bottled water at home instead of tap water. There seems to be no limit to the brands. Consumers have their choices spring water, flavor water, purified waters, and filtered bottled water. Brands range from major drink distributors or producers such as Coca-Cola or Pepsi to store brands like Publix and Sam’s bottled water. For the moment, it seems unlikely that the bottled water phenomenon will end any time soon, and why should it? Bottled water is a healthy, alternative to caffeinated sodas and sugar loaded fruit drinks. However, recently questions have been raised about the environmental impact of bottled water. Moreover, some are questioning the cost and safety of bottled water.

        In recent years, the demand for bottled water has continued to increase. Brands like Aquafina, Dasani, Propel, Poland Spring, Arrowhead, Deer Park, and Nestle Pure Life, top sales in the United States where drinking bottled water is associated with health and wellness. As Nicole Cotroneo points out,(writing for the New York Times Upfront) “The United States is now the world’s largest consumer of bottled water, in 2008 Americans spent $11 billion to guzzle more than 8 billion gallons” of bottled water (26). In fact, the success of bottled water products continues to grow. A Chicago- based company that keeps track of new products indicated that in 2009 more than 269 bottled waters were introduced before the end of August in that year (Fuhrman 16). In December of 2008, Dasani bottled water, manufactured by the Coca-Cola Company; reported $423.1 million in United States sales while private-labeled brands posted 706 million in United...