Research Methods for Ramada Hotel

Ramada and Exercises
Bus 642- Business Research Methods & Tools
[ November 15, 2012 ]
Dr. Jennifer Zhong

Facts collected through survey are almost accurate, are more likely to be closer to accuracy than observations’ because data is collected. Observation defines content, method, observes target, trains observers, collect data and analyze whereas in surveys, researchers prepare questions for data collection.
The ethical risks involved in observation could be less detailed observation that may not be a true representation of the research and when used it becomes not of a true survey.
Observation based data can be used to correct or address punctuality/attendance and workplace violence.
Communication is more powerful with observation. Observation is a true basis for communication to be more effective.
Nonverbal is most appropriate way of communicating when there is a language or inability to communicate verbally.
Factual observation should be more trusted than inferential observation because factual is presence, actual while inferential is being inferred based on prior happening or what may happen in the future.
Building the management –research questions   for Ramada will require asking the following questions: How many hours did you work daily on your previous job? Was customer service a major part of your job duties? How often did you interact with customers/public? Was there a reward system? What was the criteria for winning a customer service award? Did you win any during your entire duration of work?
Exploration is a multi-dimensional process comprising of multiple components with loose structure where its findings provides evidence or proof of the result. In the case of the Ramada hotel, the applicants were invited for interview, they were given characteristic questions to answer, they were given enough time to study and answer questions that eventually exposed their characteristics or behavior.
Secondary data helped to expose the...