
Five Pillars of Islam |
Emily Carreon |
2/22/2013 |


Islam belief is a very unique and strict culture. The central belief of Islam people is Monotheism. This means that they believe in only one God. They called this God “Allah”. The purpose for the Islamic people is to serve and obey Allah and worship him multiple times a day. Constructing a moral lifestyle is also very important to the Islam people as well as honoring all prophets. More interesting that people may not know, is that the Islamic people believe in angels and saints. These beliefs are reflected in the “Five Pillars” in the Islamic faith. The first pillar is practicing the unity of one God. The prophet Muhammad reflects this Islamic belief. The second pillar is persistent and repetitive prayer. The third pillar is to give 2 ½ percent of their earnings and wealth to other Muslims who are in need. The fourth pillar is fasting. This is done to claim purity and a clear mind. The fifth pillar is the trip to Mecca. This is to become closer to God.
The easiest pillar(s) for me to fulfill would either be, the third giving up 2 ½ percent of my earning, or the second, daily prayer. Learning that another culture lends to those who are in need truly touches my heart. What a kind culture, to be so incredibly unselfish. I understand that sometimes it can be hard to even give a few dollars here and there but I would definitely feel satisfied to God if I knew that my earned money was going to those in need. I also chose the second pillar because I can relate a lot with the daily prayer. I practice this myself every day. Praying daily and many times throughout the day has become such a way for me to reduce my stress level. Being able to dedicate your time and devotions to daily prayer is very admirable to me.   Having prayer everyday definitely enlightens your soul and can bring you very close to God. The most challenging pillar for me to fulfill would be the walk to Mecca. When my...