Relate Literature in Inventory System

This chapter discusses the related literature and studies of the proposed system that contribute to the success of the study. The related literature studies serve as the proponents patterns and guidelines to their study.
2.1 Related Literature
According to Post (2002 ,35),” an automated inventory, quantity on hand (QQH) is updated when an item is sold or purchased.”
According to Laudon (2000 ;A1-A3, 49) stated, “a typical sales information system is one for recording sales using a point-of-sale device. Point-of-sales device captures data about each item sold at the time the sales takes place. The computer collects the sales data (which identify each item sold and the amount of the sales) and consolidates it for further management analysis. The data are also used for placing orders to suppliers to replenish inventory of fast-selling goods.”
“Information system can counter competitive forces by “locking-in” costumers and suppliers.   Strategic information systems can make the cost of switching from one product to a competing products prohibitive for customers.”
According to Mc Leod Jr. et al (2001, 226-227) once a decision has been made to accept the orders, a determination must be made as to whether they can be filled. The first step is to check the balance on hand for each ordered item. The item record is compared with the item quantity from the accepted orders record.
According to Ron C. Cooke (2001, 183-184), stated that manually checking the stock of an item at the point-of-sale is time consuming, if not annoying for the customer and employee. Providing an items real-time quantity available for sale eliminates the need for manual stock checking. Real-time is accomplished by updating when the event occurs. The quantity available for sale is calculated by subtracting quantity reserved for sales orders from quantity on hand. The quantity available for sale is maintained real-time every time an invoice is...