Reflective Practice

Being a Reflective Practitioner: identifying my own development needs as   professional teacher

Reflection is an essential part of the learning process and is necessary for effective learning.   Reflection is a form of self-awareness.   Learners that can reflect are better able to understand themselves and the learning process.   Reflection can exercise control over our own learning and achievements.   Reflection leads to learning from experience and outlines strengths and weaknesses; by completing action plans to work on weaknesses will lead to continued learning and improvement.   Rogers (1996, p.109) observes “Reflection on experience to action forms a large part of the learning process”.

The process of reflection enables a practitioner to assess, understand and gain knowledge through experience leading to potential improvement and change.   This is a positive process that lets us review, analyse and evaluate in order to develop as a learner and a teacher.   The ability to reflect upon practice helps to assess needs and plan to meet those needs, therefore developing teaching and learning skills.

To assist the learning process reflection can be a powerful tool to help identify strengths and weaknesses as an individual.   To develop new skills as a learner I must reflect upon experience to access my own performances and plan for my future needs.   Reece and Walker (2000, p.7) states “What is not so natural but very important is that reflection takes place to ensure learning from experience takes place”.

To reflect upon my own experiences and to develop my own needs I have evaluated as a learner and as a teacher. Firstly I identified my own preferred learning style as everyone learns in different ways.   There are many ways to establish your preferred way of learning and as supported by Reece and Walker (2000, p.9) “All students are individuals and no two students learn the same way”.

It is important to indicate my learning style in order for me to achieve my...