Race and Your Community

Race and Your Community
The racial composition in my community has never been a major concern of mine. However, I have been compelled to recognize notable racial imbalances often observed at places where the employees are paid wages that are far above average such as financial institutions, medical societies, judicial or legal law firms, corporate enterprises, and educational establishments that are dominated by Anglo-Saxons.
At the other end of the spectrum, it is not unusual to observe a significant amount of racial disproportion amongst employees working as convenience store clerks, grocery store cashiers, hotel service workers, janitorial and sanitation crew members. This group of laborers working blue-collar jobs is typically going to be African American or Hispanic citizens who are paidno more than the minimum wage.
Although most of the members in my community are considered Anglo-Saxon, there is an increasing number of immigrants from the Latino group. With their growth steadily on the rise, I predict that the Hispanic population will gradually surpass the percentage of Anglo-Saxons in about twenty years.
According to the Greater Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Hispanic population will become slightly even with the number of Anglo-Saxons by the year 2020. Other ethnic groups will see a slow, steady increase in population growth; however African Americans will barely see any significant change at all.
Political leaders in my community rarely address important social issues that pertain to Native Americans and African American families. The same holds true for the Latino community unless there is a serious matter that involves the selling of drugs, illegal immigration, and extensive federal spending toward government healthcare programs that primarily benefit the Latino families. Most of the time, the Mexican Americans are viewed as the major cause of a lot of our community’s social, educational, and political ills; therefore they...