

I teach City & Guilds Computerised Accounts Level 1 course at Haringey Adult Learning Service. As a tutor I create and manage a course file. In this assessment, I will select five documents from my Course File and critically analyse their usefulness in my teaching. My course file contains:

1. Register
2. Lesson Plan
3. Scheme of Work
4. Individual Learning Plan
5. Group Profile
6. Tracking Sheet
7. Record of Absenteeism
8. Copies of the Hand outs given to students
9. Exam Fees Form


Register list names of all students who have paid the fees for the course. It is a legal document and can be presented in the law courts if required. It enables me to keep a track of the students attendance. With the help of register I can make a reasonable judgement about a student’s progress by checking how many classes that student have attended or missed. In the early stages of the course, I use register to remember the names of the students.

Importantly, in case of a fire, register allows me to do the headcount to know whether everyone is safe.


Petty (2004, p422) states that “To fail to plan is to plan to fail”.   He talks of how “Lessons often follow a ‘beginning – middle – end’ structure”.   I try to plan using this convention by recapping on previous learning, introducing and delivering new learning and then reflecting on the outcome of the session.

Lesson plans are an invaluable tool for me, as a tutor, in that they bring focus and structure to a session.   They allow for identification of the learning outcomes to be achieved and pinpoint required resources for the session.   I also incorporate differentiation requirements of the learners to enable students to progress at their own levels.   Should I be unable to attend a session for any reason it may enable another tutor to carry on with full knowledge of students progress along with any learning constraints and support that may be required.

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