Qcf Unit 316

Unit 316 Questions/Discussion

1. Using a range of services and facilities is extremely beneficial to a service users well being. The impact on their self esteem and personal development can be significant if a service user is able to participate and get out and about to meet others. Participating in activities in a local community can support people to feel good about themselves and give them more confidence.

2. There are many barriers that can restrict access or prevent people from using facilities our services. These barriers tend to fall into 4 categories:
• Environmental – These are the most common barriers where a service can be put at a disadvantage by a service or facility having narrow doorways, lack of wheelchair access or disabled toilet facilities,
• Communication – Poor quality communication skills in staff at the facility or service as well as poor communication to meet individuals needs e.g. lack of loop system,
• Psychological – A service user may feel fear and/or anxiety in an unfamiliar setting therefore leading to lacking confidence,
• Financial – A service user may not be able to access a service or facility due to cost and lack of individual budget.

Overcoming barriers is not always about finding alternatives; sometimes it is about ensuring that people have the right equipment and any aids to help overcome the barrier. If a service user comes across an environmental barrier they should be encouraged to raise the issue with that service/facility, pointing out that they are in breach of the Equality Act 2010. The equality act legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society.
It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it’s unlawful to treat someone.
3. . If the barrier is financial it may involve finding recourses to meet the cost. If a service user faces...