
Assignment 8.1.1
It is virtually impossible to give a rigid definition of the roles & responsibilities of a teacher across the range of education provision, however there are some areas common to all teachers, and knowledge of these responsibilities is vital to ensure that all teachers deliver their courses using safe, practical and professional methods

Teachers have the responsibility of planning and implementing the curriculum. They must assess, monitor and evaluate the course on a regular basis to ensure that it is relevant, effective and productive. This is an integral part of the education process as   teachers must be aware of the need to be responsible for monitoring their own performance.

In order to communicate the relevance and importance that the subject has for the students, teachers should relay information to the class in a way that captures the students’ interest, and should facilitate students’ learning by encouraging them to resource and analyse information for themselves. In order to do this, teachers must be resource creators, therefore it is an essential ability to select, adopt or produce   relevant materials which are necessary for your subject and class. For example; it is impossible to give 100% of your attention to every pupil in the class simultaneously, but the production of study guides, enabling your students to learn independently, allows the high achievers to continue learning at an acceptable pace, allowing extra support to be given to students who may require it.

Induction is a core responsibility of the teacher, introducing the students to the course, familiarisation with the venue, highlighting basic health and safety regulations and procedures etc. Ongoing health and safety monitoring of the venue and all equipment
is essential, alongside ensuring that students adhere to safe practices, and are working in a safe environment.

Recording each student’s attendance, work record, achievements, areas of concern, and...