
Danyel Batsford
Inclusion, Equality and Diversity
Inclusion is a legal right and was put in place in 1975 to ensure that all people with disabilities are given the opportunity to receive an education. It gives students with disabilities the right to learn alongside students without disabilities. They will benefit from the same experiences. It also provides opportunities for socializing and friendships to develop. It provides a sense of belonging and appropriate social, behavioural and academic skills. If you include students with disabilities it models acceptance of diversity.
Inclusion is to understand needs, such as, if one student is visually impaired, seat them closer to the whiteboard, if someone is hard of hearing,   speak clearly and naturally at a normal pace and reduce background noise. Make sure the learning environment is accessible for all students needs. Also mix groups, abilities with disabilities so as no one feels isolated or alienated. The overall learning experience should be enjoyable and stress free.

Equality is the current term for equal opportunities. Equality protects people from being discriminated against on the grounds of group membership i.e. sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion, belief or age.
There are lots of equality issues such as equal pay, men and women doing equal work and work rated as of equal value are entitled to equal pay.
Bullying   and harassment means unwanted behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated or degraded or humiliated or offended. It is not always obvious, it can happen in the workplace without employers awareness. People don’t always feel confident to complain especially if this person is of higherarchy. It is important to be aware of options available to them to deal with bullying and that it remains confidential.

In the learning environment students have varied learning styles whether it is visual, auditory or kinaesthetic and therefore bring their...