Pttls Assignment 1

Assignment #1

Q1:   Explain own role and responsibilities, and boundaries of own role as a teacher

The main role of the teacher in the sports sector is to ensure the lesson’s aims and objectives are met through facilitating a high quality, positive, organised and flexible learning environment.   This will create a safe environment, fostering trust and mutual respect between the learners and the tutor/teacher/coach.

The teacher will assess the needs of the individual as well as the group using a range of different approaches and resources to meet these needs (differentiation).   This will include coaching points that allow for various levels of progression, the use of different items of equipment (e.g. size of ball, size of area).   They will be aware of the rights of learners to attend and participate in their chosen course (entitlement) regardless of their gender, race, religion etc (equality).   A number of examples of this occur thankfully in football these days, including women’s and girls’ football, disability football etc; involve the learners in relevant activities rather than excluding them (inclusivity); and value differences in people (diversity).

It’s key that the teacher continuously assess and evaluate the learner’s needs in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of their delivery style, adapting schemes of work as required.   This is especially significant when coaching young children as they will each develop at different rates and require a variety of coaching styles in order to learn effectively.

Another key aspect of being a teacher is lesson planning that demonstrates a variety of teaching/learning styles.   This should outline the aim and objectives of the lesson, outlining progression (differentiation), resources needed, time required and any health and safety issues.   The plan will also have an evaluation component and outline the target group.   All successful coaches plan and develop their sessions continuously, incorporating...