Ptlls Session 4

ndix 1         Reflecting Learning Journal

Name of candidate    

The main points from this
Journal fit into assessment task

No: Session 3     23-09-10

The main points I have learnt from this session are:

• Health & Safety
• Data Protection

• Equality
• Diversity
• Inclusion

Why is this important when teaching (theory?)

Health and safety at work etc Act 1974(amended 1992)
Often referred to as HASAW or HSW, this Act of Parliament is the main piece of UK health and safety legislation. It places a duty on all employers "to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work" of all their employees.
Among other provisions, the Act also requires:
• safe operation and maintenance of the working environment
• maintenance of safe access and egress to the workplace
• safe use, handling and storage of dangerous substances
• adequate training of staff to ensure health and safety
• Adequate welfare provisions for staff at work.
Employers must also keep and revise a written record of health and safety policy and consult with employees or their representatives on such policies (this only applies to those employing five or more.
Employees must work safely in accordance with their training and instructions given to them. Employees must also notify the employer or the person responsible for health and safety of any serious or immediate danger to health and safety or any shortcoming in health and safety arrangements.
COSHH is the law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health. You can prevent or reduce workers' exposure to hazardous substances by:
• finding out what the health hazards are;
• deciding how to prevent harm to health (risk assessment);
• providing control measures to reduce harm to health;
• making sure they are used ;
• keeping all control measures in good working order;
• providing information, instruction and...