Ptlls Level 3 1.3

Level 3 – 1.3 Explain own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning

My role and responsibilities as a teacher are many and varied and therefore I need to follow the teaching cycle and make sure my students understand what is being taught. I also have to believe in the worth and dignity of each human being. We as educators have a responsibility to encourage intellectual and social development and through education we can help uplift someone socially, intellectually and emotionally just by teaching them new skills and give them a feeling of self worth.
I have a responsibility towards my students to demonstrate model behaviour and mannerisms by self example. I need to prepare lessons in accordance to HSE legislation and Ofqual. I need to provide activities that will engage and challenge my students intellectually whilst keeping them interested and varying my teaching methods between theory and practical. I also need to be ready to adjust teaching styles to meet the individual needs of the students. I need to understand the diverse background that the students come from and resolve conflict among students by encouraging positive debate.
Furthermore, I have a responsibility to my employer to keep involved in staff meetings, have a healthy relationship with all staff members and carry out admin duties relevant to my position.

I have a responsibility to myself to set myself a continuous personal development plan and update my skills regularly, to be a part of the learning cycle and learn from my students as well as teach them, I have to maintain healthy student-teacher relationships at all times and not do anything to bring the teaching profession in to   disrepute.

As a tutor I have the responsibilities to care for my students, if there is something which is hindering student learning or we are concerned about their welfare or well being then we might be able to help them ourselves but at other times that might not be enough and we might also need to...