Ptlls - Ground Rules

All learners whether adult or otherwise require a structure within which to learn and study. However, not just in a learning environment basic rules of behaviour and conduct are important in almost all activities which value order and positive outcomes. Longman English dictionary defines ground rules as “the basic rules or principles on which future actions or behaviour should be based”. Such basic rules ensure that we avoid chaos. A rules framework is virtually essential in all circumstances in which individuals and groups are required to interact together.
In addition to facilitating orderly participation ground rules also help create a safe environment and communicate the boundaries within which such activities could be undertaken. Rules can be used to encourage positive behaviour in a number of ways as follows:
• Comfortable and safe environment: Rules can be established to ensure that learning activities takes place within a well established safe and nurturing environment;
• Know what to expect: Rules can be used to communicate expectations and outcomes and may help allay the ‘fear of the unknown’;
• Establishing boundaries: Ground rules can be used to provide demarcations as to what is and what is not acceptable, both from the perspective of an individual and from the perspective of a group. Boundaries ensure that group dynamics are optimised and contribute to achievement of objectives;
• Group responsibility: Ground rules established by a group will encourage the group to take responsibility for their action and therefore reducing the need for additional supervision.
The key to establishing sound ground rules is to analyse the requirement for such rules in accordance with group dynamics. Rules can be formulated at a number of various levels.
At an organisational level, the purpose of ground rules is to ensure that activities comply with relevant laws and regulations mitigate key risks. Consequently there is likely to be little...