Ptlls Assignment 1 Task 1

Assignment 1 Task 1
Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries are as a teacher/tutor/trainer in terms of the teaching/training Cycle

As a teacher in the learning environment I feel I have a very important role in meeting the requirements and needs of the learners in my care. I feel very strongly about the welfare of my learners and it is my responsibility to ensure they feel they can express themselves and reach their true potential in their learning journey.
I feel the single most important quality of a good teacher is that they are approachable at any time and for any reason whether it is related to the training they are receiving or any other matter.   As a teacher I am responsible for the Safeguarding of my learners and also introducing Equality and Diversity into discussions which enables learners to have equal rights. This is important to help them develop and reach their learning potential.   The personal wellbeing of each individual learner is a vital part to a successful learning journey.
The teacher training cycle has been designed to highlight roles and responsibilities of teachers and help make their duties more manageable.
The teacher cycle includes...
Identifying Needs
It is the responsibility of the teacher to identify any additional requirements or needs of a learner in the early stages of learning or more ideally before learning commences.   Each learner has different strengths and areas for development, therefore identifying these needs early are important so the teaching/learning style can be assessed to aid each learner’s individual needs.
Plan and Design
Preparation is a key part of the teaching cycle as it is at this point where the course style and delivery may need to be adapted to suit the needs of the learners, one method for this would be to identify the learners favoured styles of learning and introduce different assessment and teaching   methods into the course, using Visual aids, Audio aids, Reading and Writing...