Psychology Final Teststudy Guide


1. | Joe made a big mistake when he decided to put vodka into his lemonade. After many glasses, he ended up very sick. Now poor Joe can no longer enjoy lemonade during the hot summer. The mere sight or smell of lemonade makes him feel sick. What is the unconditioned stimulus? |
A) | the sight or smell of lemonade |
B) | vodka |
C) | nausea to the lemonade |
D) | nausea to the sight or smell of lemonade |

2. | Rescorla and Wagner showed that predictability rather than the number of times a CS and UCS are paired is important for classical conditioning. This finding highlights the importance of ________ in conditioning. |
A) | cognition |
B) | discrimination |
C) | generalization |
D) | spontaneous recovery |

3. | When an organism produces the same response to similar stimuli, behaviorists say _______ has occurred. |
A) | conditioning |
B) | discrimination |
C) | generalization |
D) | learning |

4. | Brad proposed to Angelina at an Italian restaurant and to his great delight, she said “Yes.” Now every time Brad goes to that restaurant he gets a happy feeling. What is the unconditioned response? |
A) | the restaurant |
B) | feeling happy in the restaurant |
C) | the acceptance of the proposal |
D) | feeling happy when the proposal was accepted |

5. | While playing in the yard, little Amanda was stung by a bee. The sting made her cry. The sting was a: |
A) | response. |
B) | stimulus. |
C) | discriminator. |
D) | reinforcer. |

6. | A mental representation of a place is: |
A) | a maze. |
B) | a cognitive map. |
C) | a Skinner box. |
D) | shaping. |

7. | When a learned response is no longer followed by reinforcement, it will become weaker and disappear. This is known as: |
A) | extinction. |
B) | generalization. |
C) | discrimination. |
D) | shaping. |

8. | Without ________ we would keep repeating the same failed strategies over and over again. |
A) | generalization |
B) |...