Psy 211

Children face many obstacles in their lives today, more than ever before. They strive to “fit in” with their peers, to be popular, well liked, and most of all, accepted. They face peer pressure, struggles with depression, and endless amounts of trouble that could have the child facing severe consequences. At the root of all of these issues, there is one thing that children do need, and that is a parent. Not only do they need a parent but also they need a good one. Parents shape and mold their children into something they want them to be. They instill good morals and values that they wish their children could someday possess, like honesty, trustworthiness, compassion, and respect, these attributes are some characteristics that some parents hope the child has. It is the responsibility of the parents to make it happen. So, if a parent is the key to ensuring a well-rounded child, what type of parenting style would effectively work? Perhaps it is the engaged and devoted parent that makes the most impact or perhaps it is the parents who tend to chose to be the child’s best friend instead of   his/or her parent/or   mentor?   The different parenting styles from authoritarian, authoritative, indifferent-uninvolved, and indulgent permissive, we will begin to understand the best choice in the upbringing of our children.
Hard work, obedience, and respect are exactly what parents with an authoritarian parenting style expect from their children. Not only do they assume the child will do what he or she is asked when asked but also the parent expects to have no discussion about the situation, just action. These parents set strict rules to try to keep order, and they usually do this without much expression of warmth and affection (Iannelli, 2004). They attempt to set strict standards of conduct and are usually very critical of children for not meeting those standards. It is little give-and-take between parent and child because authoritarian parents do not value the child’s needs or...