Provide Support to Maintain and Develop Skills for Everyday Life (Hsc3003) 42522-311


Understand the context of supporting skills for everyday life

1.1 Compare methods for developing and maintaining skills for everyday life
Within my role it is very important to encourage the clients do to as much as possible for themselves, if you know they should be doing exercises that the physiotherapist or the stroke nurse has given them, then encourage them, if you know they are capable of getting out of a chair on their own try and encourage them to get out of the chair on their own, try and make them as independent as possible. You should praise them when they achieve something, if they able to stand and are stable then get them involved in little things within their home, like drying the dishes while you are washing them, giving them ornaments to dust while you hoover.

1.2 Analyse reasons why individuals may need support to maintain, regain or develop skills for everyday life
People may require support to maintain, regain or develop skills for everyday life skills for various reasons.   This can be anything from Strokes or accidents through to long term deteriating illnesses such as Arthritis, Alzheimer’s.   These can cause physical support needs, however not all support needs are due to physical reasons.   Mental problems can also result in people requiring support.   These can include loss of confidence or self esteem or traumatic experiences (post-traumatic stress disorder) through to Munchausen’s Syndrome where people cause problems to themselves to attract attentions and sympathy.

1.3 Explain how maintaining, regaining or developing skills can benefit individuals
By helping people maintain, regain and develop everyday skills they would benefit from being more independent than they were before the help.   In addition by helping them be independent they will gain more confidence and increase self esteem resulting in a better and potentially more active...