Proper Uniform

Some of the reasons are as follows first being in the proper uniforms in stows good discipline, second being in the proper uniform makes the unit look professional,   third not being in the proper uniform can lead to UCMJ and or noUCMJ discipline nary actions. Also attached is descriptions of some of the proper United States Army uniforms to include the Army Physical Fitness uniform also known as APFT uniform and the Advanced combat Uniform also known as the ACU'S.
First we will talk about how being in the proper uniform can and does in stow good discipline in a soldier and all those around him or her. When a soldier is in the proper uniform it makes him or her feel proud of himself and the Army the   uniform represents. When a soldier feels good about them self's they strive to become better soldiers and want to became Non-Commissioned Officer. When a soldier is in the proper uniform each and every day he or she inspires confidents and trust in his or her Non- Commissioned Officers and Officers that are appointed above them. Soldiers who have been in the Army for a long period of time can not show new soldiers the right thing to do if they themselves are not in the right uniform. If a soldier is always in the right uniform he or she   will draw less attention to himself and those around him or her  
Secondly when every soldier in his or her platoon, company, or higher unit are all in the proper uniform it makes them look like they are professionals even if they are new and are not even trained yet. When a unit looks like they are professionals and someone in that unit does something wrong they are more likely to have less or even on negative effects on them because the non-commissioned officers appointed above them will think that it was just a random fluke and not that it was commented on purpose.
        Third if you are not in the proper uniform you will get in trouble with your chain of command. they can ether give you corrective training in the form of PT...