Promote Quality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care and Young Peoples Setting

Unit 4223-303 Promote equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings.
This means diverse is different. This is different backgrounds, different experience and a different in personality. Diversity is a mixed society consisting of all different types of people of all ages, race, colour and gender.
This means being equal in status, rights and opportunities, everyone should be treated the same. Characterised which cannot be used to treat someone unfairly are age, disability, gender, race, religion and sexual orientation. Equality is treating all people the same so there is no discrimination, harassment or victimisation.
This means the actions of being included within a group or structure. Inclusion is including everyone irrespective of race, gender, disability or medical needs .It also means that everyone should have equal access and opportunities. This will prevent discrimination.
The act of discrimination on a person could have potential effects such as:
PHYSICAL EFFECTS:- sleeplessness, deterioration   of health and lack of energy.
EMOTIONAL EFFECTS:-low self- esteem, lack of confidence, depression and stress.
SOCIAL EFFECTS:- becoming withdrawn, loss of motivation and lack of interest.
The inclusion of everyone promotes equality as it accepts all different types of people. All individuals have the equal right to the same things regardless of their gender, age, race or religion. It also supports diversity as it accepts all differences between people.
The Equality Act of 2010 prevents any unfair treatment in the workplace and in the work role due to protecting certain personal characterised, such as, gender, age and religion. This prevents people in the health workers   job   role from being treated differently to any other person in the same job role. Every person must be treated the same no matter what their differences are.
Educating people on discrimination can help people to...