Professional Values and Ethics

Values can be defined as things that are important to or valued by someone. Someone
can be a person, group or corporation. Ethics is our behavior, how we behave in a manner
that is consistent with what is right or moral. That difficult question can be determined by
society’s influence of determining what is right or wrong.
If we are talking about a group or organization values are embedded in what the
organization stands for. Rules, codes and creeds are part of the values that has been set
within the organization. Those in power can hold court over members who do not follow
the rules or act in a manner is ethical according to their standards. Members can be
ostracized or expelled especially if they break the ethical value for what the organization
stands for. According Andrews (1989) there are three aspects in ethical behavior in an
organization. The three aspects are development of the individual as an ethical person,
effect of the organization as an ethical or unethical environment and the actions or
procedures developed by the organization to encourage or discourage ethical behavior.
Our corporation has a compliance and ethics policy. This policy is corporate wide and is
very clear on the expectations of all employees. The employee code of conduct is taken
very seriously both in the public and private sectors. Like any organization violations of
this policy can result in heavy fines and damage to the company brand. Employees can
be prosecuted and if found guilty sentenced and jailed. Reading from Levisohn (2009),
all we have to do is watch the news to see the lessons learned from the destructions
of companies and how one person can cause the downfalls of large corporations.
My Career choices emergency room nurse, police office and security manager have all
had a code of ethics. You were expected to do the right thing and when you did you
earned respect. Coworkers look for me to make good sound decisions especially when a
decision needs to...