Principles of Assessment in Lifelong Learning

1) Understand how types and methods of assessment are used in lifelong learning. &
1.1) Analysis how types of assessment are used in lifelong learning.
Assessment – It is a way of finding out if learning has taken place. It enables the teacher to ascertain if his/her student has gained the required skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes needed at a given point towards their programme of learning.
Types of Assessment: It includes Initial(at the beginning) , Formative (ongoing) , and Summative(at the end). An example of an initial assessment could be to ascertain prior knowledge of a topic. An example of formative assessment could be an ongoing learning journal, and a summative assessment could be a test, assignment or an exam.
Depending upon the subject   I am assessing and the relevant awarding organisations requirement, I might carry out various types of assessment with my students which could be on a formal or informal basis. An example of a formal assessment can be a test and   an example of an informal assessment is a quiz, depending upon my subject and whether the activity is formative or summative. Assessment tasks or activities will be either internal(produced by me or my organisation) or external(produced by the Awarding Organisation).
Initial assessment: Further information regarding initial diagnostic   assessment. A quick question during my session, has anyone done this before?, Will soon give me some idea of what my students already know. Relevant initial assessment activities will also give me information regarding my students: for example any specific assessment requirements or needs they may have, their learning style, or any further training and support they may need.
Formative assessment: These should take place continually throughout my students time with me   and allow for development to take place. Simply asking questions and observing actions can help me give ongoing feedback to enable my students to develop further, before a summative or...