Premenstrual Syndrome and Coping with It

Premenstrual syndrome and coping skills
              with it.
According American Psychiatric Association (2000) about 80% of women suffer from mild premenstrual symptoms, 20- 50% of women report moderate- to- severe premenstrual symptoms, and severe symptoms, which affect functioning during daily activities, occur in 5% of women. As mentioned, premenstrual syndrome is widespread between women. Thus, it is important to understand the syndrome and its impact on the quality of the life. Peter J. S. et al. (1998) has made clear: “Premenstrual syndrome is a cyclical disorder characterized by mood- related and somatic symptoms that occur during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and disappear at or soon after the onset of menstruation”.

Premenstrual syndrome occurs with certain symptoms, as oversensitivity to environmental stimuli, food craving, irritability, insomnia, gastrointestinal problems as abdominal bloating, anxiety, mainly depressed mood, decreased interest in daily activities and etc. All these symptoms facilitates problems, such as inefficient results in work, low school attendance, relationship breakdowns with the family members and friends, socially inactiveness, which are most common reasons to seek treatment. In many cases women who are married make report of severe PMS than single women do (Dennerstein et al., 2010).

Although it is prevalent and popular, women resist it differently, which mostly depends on psychosocial and cultural aspects; some women accept it as a normal part of their character, some of them are aware of these illness and improve coping repertoire, and the remain part are just fail. PMS sufferers who are not able to defeat its negative outcomes, also cannot deal with environmental stressors become more stressed and may end up with the sense of helplessness (Warren, Ch. J., Baker, S., 1992).

Research conducted by Ussher J., M. et al. (2014) shows that women with premenstrual syndrome look for partner’s or other family...