Prefect Position

Determining your Prefect Position
    Leadership style is a essential factor to motive and maintain employees’ productiveity. Leaders establish direction by developing a vision of the future; then they align people by communicating this vision and inspiring them to overcome hurdles" (Robbins & Judge, 2006, p.2) Leader of a team should be able to create a vision for other to follow, commendate corporate values and ethics and improve the team’s effectiveness and efficiency. Good leaders are able to motivate employees and build up a better working environment for the team.
As the leader of a team, manager’s leadership style has a great deal of influence on the team’s effectiveness. The method a manager leading and treating the employees will determine how employees feel about he or her. Employees who respect and trust their leader are more likely willing to listen and be motivated.
Leadership Style Strengths and Weaknesses
According to the Leadership and Team Skills Assessments, I has to maintain a better balance between concern of people and task. In the leadership style assessment, I got a score of five (5) and two (2) in concern of people section and concern of task respectively, which means I trend to be more task-oriented. There are chances that I would be actocratic, therefore I will need to concern more regarding employees.
In the How charismatic I am assessment, I got over sixteen (16) points in most sections, including management of attention, meaning, trust, self, risk and feeling, which means I am able to demonstrate charismatic leader behaviors.
In the Do I trust others assessment, I was tested as a person with high-faith in people, which means I can be people-oriented. So I will need to focus more on concern of employees.
In the How good I am at disciplining others and How good am I at building and leading a team assessments, I got relatively high score, that I have skills at disciplining employees and am capable of building and leading a...