
Good Morning, Everyone.
Thank you for coming to my story today. It’s pleasure with you.
My name is Dami Kim from South korea.
Today, I want to talk about ‘the importance of the positive language’.
Of course, you know using positive language is better than negative language. But it’s not easy to practice.
Why do I choose this topic? First is to tell you the importance of positive language as you know . Second is to urge using the positive language. So simple!
After my presentation, if you try to practice positive language, my presentation is success! The presentation time will take about 8minutes.
Here is outline. Firstly, I will refer four examples about the importance of the positive language. Secondly, I will show just one example very strong bad influence of negative language. Then, let me tell you how to use positive language.
If you have questions, just write down and ask me after presentation.
First example is about a beggar and zigzigler.
Zigzigler is a famous philosopher and writer in us. This is his real story. Oneday zigzigler was walking on the subway street of Newwork. and found one beggar who sell a pencil for one dollar.
At first, Zigzigler also gave one dollar like other people without getting pencil and passed by the beggar. But he came back to beggar and said to him.
‘give me a pencil return to the one dollar
As soon as beggar gave him the pencil, he said ”you are also business man like me, you are not beggar anymore”’
This word changed the beggar’s life. Beggar thought business man himself and can get courage and hope.
Overtime, successful business came to see zigziger and said to him thank you I was a beggar
You changed my life.
This shows positive word can change one people’s life.
You also can change one person’s life by using positive saying.
Here is scientific evidence...