Positive Outcomes of the French Revolution

The French Revolution’s positive effects on France
      From all of the bloodshed and mortality of the French Revolution, France was transformed from a land of despotism and injustice to a thriving, constitutional monarchy. Before the French Revolution, France possessed an unfair estate system which imposed many injustices on it’s people. The peasants did not have many rights and worked long hours for minimal pay.   Conditions in France became so terrible that the peasants revolted and countless lost their lives, with 50,000 deaths in one year alone. In spite of the countless tragedies, the revolution brought lower taxes, protective institutions, such as the congress of Vienna, and abolished France’s abosolute monarchy. Without these improvements, France and Europe would not be what they are today.
            The slaughter of the French Revolution led to abolishing the unreasonable taxation system and provided greater opportunities for the peasants to own land, which drastically improved the lives of the peasants.   Before the French Revolution, The third estate made up 97% of the population and owned only about half of the land. After 1800, the third estate owned about 90% of the land. This increase in land ownership freed the peasants from being slaves to the Nobles. In the period before the revolution the high taxes caused the price of bread to skyrocket. In August 1788 a builder laborer was spending 50% of his income on bread and by July 1789 it had risen to about 80%. The peasants would complained about the high price of bread, the Kings authorities could send the peasants to jail for something as little as seeking a basic necessity. Without the power to lower the price of bread, the peasants were helpless to effect their starvation. After the revolution, a tremendous victory for the peasants was that they did not have to spend every nickel they had on food and other necessities, so they were able to improve their quality of life.   The amount of money, out...