Popular Vote

On November 4th, Americans will most likely be voting for President directly or so they think, but in fact the electoral college chooses the President and a proposal is being made to have the people of the 50 states of the United States to elect the leaders themselves.   The Electoral College is made up of five hundred and thirty eight elected individuals who in turn vote for the presidential candidate.   Each state is given the same amount of electoral votes as senators and representatives in congress for that state.   This is controversial because a candidate can win the presidency without winning the national popular vote.   If you remember what exactly happened in 2000 in the election between Al Gore and George W. Bush.   Although this can happen from time to time, the Electoral College should remain in place and here’s why.
First, if popular vote were put in place of the Electoral College one thing that would happen would be that candidates would switch their focus on densely populated states instead of small populated states like Montana and New Hampshire.   The problems and issues of those areas would be heard above the rest of the country, and rural voters would no longer be noticed.   As it is now, the Electoral College gives the most per capita voting power to the least populated states.   This type of voting spreads out the power and meaning of the vote.   The Founding fathers had exactly this in mind.   They were worried that the larger cities and populated areas would get all the attention and since most of the country was rural they felt that this would give a better cross section of the country.   While not a very populous state, Iowa is one of the key battleground states due to its tendency to swing Democrat or Republican.   This forces the candidates to broaden the range of their campaign beyond the big cities of the east and west coasts.  
Another reason to keep the Electoral College would be to preserve the individuality of each state and its unique...