Police History

Police History
Joseph A. Forman
06 MARCH 2014
Scott Thirkell

The efforts of policing communities have been around for many centuries.   In early 2000 BC Babylon lived by the code of Hammurabi for standardized laws and punishments; in 27 BC Augustus created the Roman system of Vigiles; in 1285 the watch and word system was created by the Statute of Winchester in England; in 1748 London formed the Bow Street Runners.   Even though London possessed more than four hundred police officers in the early 1800's London still did not have a   centrally organized system for law enforcement.   Sir Robert Peel had a large impact on English and   American policing. Sir Robert Peel is known as the father of modern policing (Walker & Katz, 2011). Sir Robert Peel was an ambasador towards the improvement of law enforcement. After many years of riots and fighting, between Irish immigrants and the English citizens, Sir robert Peel had convinced Parliament to give birth to an official police force. The London Metropolitan Police.   Sir Robert Peel created a new policy of crime prevention in 1829 (Walker & Katz, 2011).   Sir Robert Peel had three core elements to his policy of crime prevention. The mission, strategy, and orginizational structure of the police (Walker & Katz, 2011).   The idea of Sir Robert Peel was that it is better to prevent crime than to respond to it after the fact. This then created the strategy to begin patroling the communities. These fixed routes became to be known as “beats”, which are still routinly done to this day. The orginizational structure that was adopted very similar to the structure of the military. This style of orginizational structure is still in use today in modern America.
According to Walker and Katz (2011) , police corruption became an epidemic in the nineteenth century. The United States government became largely involved with the police force of America. Due to the involvement of government and politics in...