Planning and Preparing to Teach - Unit 1

Planning and Preparing to Teach - Unit 1

1. Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries

As an inexperienced teacher, developing an understanding of my 'roles' and 'responsibilities' has been critical in providing me with a solid foundation on which to build my teaching.   Since undertaking both my PGCE and teaching role in September 2011, it has become apparent that they are wide-ranging, varied and embrace academic and pastoral responsibilities.

Although the terms roles and responsibilities are interchangeable, there is a subtle difference in the sense in which they can be used. A dictionary defines role as a function, and responsibility about being accountable and answerable; to others and one's self.   Roles and responsibilities are far more than just standing in front of a class feeding them information.  

The LLUK (Lifelong learning UK) which was replaced by LSIS (Learning and skills Improvement Service) from April 1st 2011, defines roles into six categories based on teacher/trainer cycle as; Initial Assessment, Preparation and Planning, Delivery, Assessment, Evaluation and Revision based on Evaluation.
From a personal perspective, the summary provided by The Higher Education Academy has proved the clearest and most appropriate definition.   I am able to relate my practice to the six categories they define, namely, Facilitator, Planner, Information Provider, Role Model, Resource developer and assessor. (See Appendix 1)

Facilitator - Walker and Reece state, 'The modern teacher is a facilitator': a person who assists students to learn for themselves. 1(Walker & Reece. 2002, p.4) As a facilitator, I create a learning environment which supports and encourages all learners to manage their own learning in a manner that best supports their individual needs. This I achieve by organisation and planning whilst allowing the experience of my adult learners to drive debate and encouraging discussion.

Planner - Geoff Petty states, 'Those who fail to plan,...