
Reflective & collaborative practice – how would I feel if colleagues are not cooperative and supportive?

A significant element is a focus on communicative competence, in both writing and speaking.  
Encouraging student engagement
Using new technologies to enhance learning: on-line facilities
Managing ending – According to Lawson (1998) “ending are usually difficult, people would go to any length to avoid the distress and discomfort they provoke”.   This statement applies to me and   it further states that Social Workers’ lack of   awareness of the importance of managing endings successfully represents ‘an important public health problem’ (1969, p54). the last supervision was held a week before end of placement, but no supervision was arranged for the last week because the student worked on the Oncall desk for three days therefore I briefly discussed ending the placement.   I assured the student that it was a successful placement however, I felt uncomfortable about discussing her future learning development because I did not want to end the placement on a negative note.   The process was very challenging for me, but I had to face it.   It was challenging because ending is generally difficult for me and at the last supervision, I dawned on me that the student will be leaving and I felt a great sense of loss as I believe that we have built up good relationship with the student.

It was at the process of ending that I realised that some on the cases will need to be reassigned to myself or another Social Worker because some tasks have not be completed.   Given the opportunity again, I would consider the time-limit to complete tasks and ensure that these tasks would be completed in the duration of placement.   The issue of ending will be discussed at the beginning of placement as suggested by Lawson (1998).   It would be a good practice to address the issue of endings with Social Work student in future.

Fox E, Nelson M & Bolman W (1969), The termination process: a...