Phone Promotions Report

Ethical issues in the case
Wireless service providers and mobile phone providers carry out promotional strategies that appeal to drivers as their main market target. They carry out these promotions in the aim that they are promoting the business of their products. However, ethically, this is consequentially wrong because as they promote use of phones, they are aware that the phones could cause accidents that could cause body injury and even death.
However they also carry out educative campaigns that warn drivers that they should not talk while they drive because it is dangerous. AT&T put stickers on the front part of their phones indicating that drivers should not text as they drive. Their information is conflicting because they mix both the information. They are promoting the use of hands free devices and at the same time they are warning customers against the same case. This type of information is confusing to the customers as to what decision to follow.
However, customers tend to be compelled by what the media advertise. For instance, they showcase a man driving while a message is conveyed saying that you can drive while still take care of what is on the other end. The same advert shows the wife on the other side making a call while on a speedboat. Such adverts are confusing to the customers who would want to do exactly what they see being portrayed in the media.
On the other hand the democrat representative, Mr. Simitian, comes to support the use of hands free devices while driving because it’s more effective. By this he thinks that drivers would be less distracted to focus on the road while driving. He however fails to get the support of mobile industries such as AT&T. This is a conflict of interest between Mr. Simitian and mobile phone industries. The campaign of lobbying the act of legislating hands free phone is turned down by the same people who had proposed the idea. This is contrary to the codes of ASME that prohibits the members from...