
Philosophy, Ideology, and Theory 1
Running head: Compare and Contrast Philosophy, Ideology, and Theory

Compare and Contrast Philosophy, Ideology, and Theory
Linda Robinson
Grand Canyon University

Philosophy, Ideology, and Theory 2
Compare and Contrast Philosophy, Ideology, and Theory
Everyone from our past and present have had vested interest in education; and some wits have claimed that teaching is the second oldest profession.   While not all societies channel sufficient resources into support for educational activities.   Children are all born illiterate and innumerate, and are not aware of what is normal and cultural achievements within their   community or society into which they have been thrust; but with the help of professional teachers and the dedication of family members, within a few years children can read, write, calculate, and act in culturally-appropriate ways.   Some learn these skills with more facility than others, and so education also serves as a social sorting mechanism and undoubtedly has enormous impact on the economic fate of the individual.   Put more plainly, at its best education empowers individuals with skills and substantive knowledge that allows them to define and to pursue their own goals, and also allows them to participate in the life of their community as full-fledged productive member in society.
Education is a very important tool for the shaping of individual lives and society.   When a teacher begins to reflect on her role, an educator moves from preoccupation with immediately practical to an examination of the theory that underlies and sustains practice.   Teaching requires the careful mixing of practice and theory.   Theory without practice has no worth; practice unguided by theory is useless.   Whenever a teacher reflects on the conception of reality, of human nature, and of society, they he/she is philosophizing.

Philosophy, Ideology, and Theory 3
In its most general terms, philosophy is the human beings...