Peter Study

Case study-Peter
Criteria being covered: 4.1,4.2 and 4.3

The early identification of speech, language and communication delays is very important because if the delay is identified early then the child can be helped and the problem with their speech, language or communication can be sorted out while they are still young. This early identification will solve the problem before it has a long lasting negative effect on the child.   If the delay is identified at a time when it is too late then it may have already have negatively effected the child and may also lead to negative effects for the long term future of the child. One of these negative effects are that because the child cannot communicate properly with other children or the staff at the pre-school because of this he throws tantrums. Another way the late identification of his problem may affect is that he may have low self-esteem in the future because he struggles to communicate and make friends with other children.

Multi agency teams work together to improve a child’s development. Initially a health visitor or clinic would identify problems when a child is taken for check ups. Depending on the action needed the child could be referred to a speech therapist such as SALT. If the child/young person was of school age then the senco (special educational needs coordinator) would be well aware of the problems and put interventions into place, outside agencies will then be informed and a ILP (individual learning plan) drawn up which will consist of activities that will benefit the child’s speech and language. Some children have therapy in school hours, which is coordinated between the senco and relevant agencies. Time out in class will be given for the child who will then learn different techniques on speech, language and communication. Teaching assistants will be part of the ILP and be instructed by the agencies and class teacher on how to utilize these interventions.

One way in which play and activities are...