
| This form can help you determine which intelligences are strongest for you. If you're a teacher or tutor, you can also use it to find out which intelligences your learner uses most often. Many thanks to Dr. Terry Armstrong for graciously allowing us to use his questionnaire.Instructions: Read each statement carefully. Choose one of the five buttons for each statement indicating how well that statement describes you.1 = Statement does not describe you at all
2 = Statement describes you very little
3 = Statement describes you somewhat
4 = Statement describes you pretty well
5 = Statement describes you exactly | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1. I pride myself on having a large vocabulary. | | | | | |
2. Using numbers and numerical symbols is easy for me. | | | | | |
3. Music is very important to me in daily life. | | | | | |
4. I always know where I am in relation to my home. | | | | | |
5. I consider myself an athlete. | | | | | |
6. I feel like people of all ages like me. | | | | | |
7. I often look for weaknesses in myself that I see in others. | | | | | |
8. The world of plants and animals is important to me. | | | | | |
9. I enjoy learning new words and do so easily. | | | | | |
10. I often develop equations to describe relationships and/or to explain my observations. | | | | | |
11. I have wide and varied musical interests including both classical and contemporary. | | | | | |
12. I do not get lost easily and can orient myself with either maps or landmarks. | | | | | |
13. I feel really good about being physically fit. | | | | | |
14. I like to be with all different types of people. | | | | | |
15. I often think about the influence I have on others. | | | | | |
16. I enjoy my pets. | | | | | |
17. I love to read and do so daily. | | | | | |