Personal Values

Personal Values
The Ethics Awareness Inventory (EAI) refers to a series of broad characterizations representing four prominent categories of ethical philosophy. No matter which ethical perspective the EAI identified as yours and no matter what your ethical style, the important thing to understand is that we all face situations in which we must choose what we believe is “right” contrary to some beliefs that we can remain “value-neutral” in our research and studies, when faced with an ethical decision, we all believe that there are “right” and “wrong” answers. This does not mean, however, that we will all arrive at the same answer. Therefore it is critical to develop a process to guide us in our struggle to make ethical decisions.
According to EAI the steps that need to be taken for Ethical decision making are  
Step One: Who will be affected by my decision?
• Who are the people most immediately impacted by my decision?
• Who is strongly supporting a specific outcome? Why?
• Does my ethical decision making impact my family and friends? What do they think?
Step Two: What would be the impact of my decision?
• Have I compared a variety of alternative decisions?
• What have all those who might be affected had to say about how each different decision might impact them?
• What evidence exists to support my conclusions regarding the impact of various decisions?
• Have I Tailored my fact finding to fit some preconceived result or desired outcome I prefer?
Step three: What ethical perspective is reflected by my decision?
• What do I Believe is the best ethical decision in that case?
• What CORE belief underlies each of the alternative decisions I considered? What CORE belief underlies my decision?
o Character is concerned with what is good to be, rather than what it is good to do. Using character as her/his ethical perspective, the manager will assess alternative options for professional development from the perspective of justice, honor, and integrity.