Othellos Journey

Othello’s Journey, a Full Circle?
Throughout Shakespeare’s play Othello we are taken on Othello’s journey from a well respected, strong, and in control man to a jealousy ridden murderer. His major flaw of jealousy gives the character Iago, the antagonist, a chance to manipulate Othello and brings on his downfall. In death Othello regains some of his honour leaving his journey in a near full circle.
Othello is introduced to us as a well respected and cool-headed man. His cool- headedness is shown by the way he calmly defends himself against accusations from Brabantio of ‘bewitching’ his daughter, Desdemona, to fall in love with him and to marry Othello, which is the Catalyst of this journey. He is shown to be well respected and important by the way he is treated by the Duke in the council at that time. Also, the duke states ‘I think this tale would win my daughter too,’ in Othello’s defence which can be interpreted as admiration toward Othello. We see that Othello has complete faith in Desdemona when he calls upon her to defend him and when he dismisses Brabantio’s statement; ‘Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see: She has deceived her father and may thee.’
When the action moves to Cyprus Iago succeeds in his plans to make Othello suspicious of a relationship between Cassio and Desdemona. After Iago causes Othello to fire Cassio, Iago plants the idea into Othello that if Desdemona pleads Cassio's case then chances are they are in a relationship. Iago then tells Cassio that he should ask Desdemona to convince Othello to reinstate Cassio as lieutenant thus giving the illusion that what Iago had said is true which is dramatic irony. Desdemona also looses Othello’s first gift to her that was of great importance to the both of them. Amelia, in an attempt to please her husband Iago, gives it to him and he plants it in Cassio’s home causing even greater suspicion and doubt about Desdemona’s faithfulness when Othello finds it in Cassio’s possession.
The final...