Othello Notes

One of the most prominent impressions created by Othello is that of the terrible destructiveness of Jealousy. Almost all characters are led to irrational behaviours as a result of Jealousy.
Quote Analysis
Symbolism: Desdemona’s Handkerchief
“But if she lost it/ or made gift of it, my father’s eye/ should hold her loathed and his spirits should hunt.” (III.iii.55-60) This is a precious token that symbolises Othello and Desdemona’s marriage, and then later turns into evidence for Desdemona’s infidelity.  
The handkerchief acts as the catalyst of the play, as it through the misplacement of the handkerchief unfavourable events start to occur.
“O beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green eyed monster, which doth mock/ the meat it feeds on.” (III.iii.170-172) The metaphorical use of the word monster highlights the destructive nature of jealousy.
Utilisation of the word monster enables the audience to formulate an image of a hideous creature, which further goes on to imply the true ugliness that jealousy possesses and the detrimental out comes it provokes.
An atmosphere of dramatic irony is also created as it is Iago who warns Othello, but at the same time it is Iago’s goal to unveil the fatal flaw of Othello.
“The moor is of a free and open nature/ that thinks men honest that but seem to be so/ and will as tenderly be led by th’ nose/ as asses are.” By using a soliloquy we get an insight into Iago’s innermost thoughts, and the disastrous results he plans to achieve by preying upon Othello’s jealousy.
Animal Imagery
“As hot as monkey’s” (III.iii.406) Shakespeare uses this simile to give us an image of false lust Iago is creating between Cassio and Desdemona. He has referred to monkeys as they are known for their strong sexual acts. This shows the manipulation of Iago and how he preys upon his jealousy.
Othello constantly resurfaces the concept of deception and the emotional and mental...