Organizational Processes

Organizational Processes
There are several key areas of the organization processes on the island of Kava that need to be addressed up front to reestablish the baseline for the Kava facility. In the wake of the recent series of typhoons that have struck the island, it is imperative that an active shipping port be dedicated to our organization. Cargo ships from the mainland must have access to the port to keep our factory supplied with raw materials as well as outgoing vessels moving our finished product to destinations all along the pacific rim. The lobbying of local government officials will be necessary to give us “priority handling” with the port district. The shortening of our supply chain is critical to beat our competitors to market.
Local building contractors from various trades must be secured with a retainer or binding contract to repair the damage to the infrastructure of our facility. Building materials from the mainland will be sent in an effort to speed up the process. More priority will be placed on emergency preparedness, as such several large diesel generators will be brought in to get the plant back online independent of the power grid of the local utility company. Additional funding from our corporate headquarters is being sent to the Kava government to significantly upgrade the emergency early warning system for the entire island.
Additionally, a network of outside suppliers from the local area must be setup to support the outsourcing of various specialized goods and services. Machine Shops, Platers, industrial painters and fastener houses just to mention a few. To have a successful business relationship with these suppliers they must emulate the same morals and values as our own organization. There will be a corporate set of checks and balances to ensure the security of our proprietary documents as well as prevent any conflict of interest issues.

Human Resources
During this rebuilding process it will be necessary to hire addition employees...