Online vs on-Campus Class

Online Education vs. On-campus

Online Education vs. On-campus

Online classes require a lot of responsibilities, but give students the time and space that he or she needs. (Paul, 2003) Most universities now offer a plethora of on-campus courses for students to choose from. However, many students are not able to take campus-based courses due to distance or timetabling limitations. An important option for such students has always been distance education; Sometimes students ask the question if   online classes are better than on-campus classes, and because they do not do the necessary research, their lack of information put them away from something that could be helpful for them and can make a big difference. Even though students must be a self-starter, online education is better than on-campus education because of learning style flexibility, cost, and accessibility.
To start with, the online class offers students learning style flexibility because it gives students the freedom to choose where and when they want to study. Students that decide to take online classes can study from where they want, which means that they have a comfortable learning environment. They can be in their aunt’s house and can study from there, or they could be working and take their fifteen minutes break and can study on those fifteen minutes break. Online class gives the student the facility that they need when they are working. Also, if they have other responsibilities that requires to stay close home, and does not give the free time that they need in order to take on-campus classes, online class is the best option. Different from the on-campus classes, where first the student needs to go physically to the class, and second they have a specific time that they meet for class. Most of the time, students have to cancel or stop doing something in order to accomplish the requirement that the on-campus classes have. After the learning style flexibility that the online...