Object Reusability

Writing programs is a time consuming process, which can take even years depending on the project being done. This is why knowing how to write reusable objects and/or codes, the security of written objects, and knowing the difference from Procedural Programming to Object Oriented Programming are extremely important for programmers.
Using Object Oriented Programming allows for greater reusability in more than one program. Having code than can be reused can be a good way to either save time and/or also can be a way to make money as a business. The Call of Duty franchise is a great example on how code reusability can help advance a project. The controls for the games, going from CoD: Modern Warfare 1 (2003) all the way through the current CoD: Ghosts (2013) have been essentially the same, never needed significant changes (the biggest being 2 sets of buttons switching to their counterparts’ function, literally L1  L2 and R1 R2), allowing them to be directly used from one game to the next in the series. This is an excellent way to save time so that developers and engineers can work on graphics and sound rather than waste time and resources remaking something that they have already done in the past. Another great example of code reusability is directly from the reading required in week 1. Sharon is a business owner who writes code and sells it, while Tom is a programmer who needs a code that will allow his program to be rendered properly. “Because he [Tom] is working under a tight deadline and does not possess a great deal of knowledge about computer graphics, he can use Sharon’s object to perform the 3D rendering.” (Starting Out With Programming and Design, Ch.14.1, 2012)   A business that can write objects for other business to use with their own processes needs to make sure that their objects are easily reusable so that they can maximize profit. In this instance, Sharon has supplied her time and skills as a form of a prewritten object to Tom (who has a tight...