Nuclear Power vs. Hydropower


Nuclear Power versus Clean Hydropower
Carleton Holyfield
SCI 207
April 9, 2012

Nuclear Power versus Clean Hydropower

      All energy sources have drawbacks, and nuclear power, a controversial alternative to fossil fuels definitely has advantages and disadvantages when compared to clean hydropower. Advantages of using nuclear power include but are not limited to, it being easy to dispose of. Nuclear waste disposal is easy to dispose and has no negative effects on the ecosystem. Nuclear power does not produce gaseous emissions like greenhouse gases, and nuclear waste is usually small in quantity and can be easily confined so that it doesn’t affect those around it (Zehner, 2012).
      Disadvantages of nuclear power include disposal issues. Fuel rods that have been disposed of stay radioactive for hundreds if not thousands of years. These fuel rods must be disposed of in a secure waste disposal facility. Another disadvantage of nuclear power is that people are terrified at the thought of there being a threat of radiation leakage and or a power plant near them. As a result, it may prove challenging trying to find the best location to put a disposal facility.
      Using clean hydropower also has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of using clean hydropower include using a clean and renewable energy, clean hydropower does not pollute the environment like other energy sources, and clean hydropower does not cause changes in the climate. Another advantage of using clean hydropower is that hydropower is a more stable energy than wind and solar power (Clifton, 2006).
      Disadvantages to using hydropower is that it can interrupt the natural flow of rivers, earthquakes can occur is big hydropower dams are built, and problems with erosion and landsliding are likely to occur. Although it is advantageous to use hydropower, wildlife can...