Noone Is Safe!


I.   Introduction Are we safer Eight years later? The aftermath of freedom, safety, cost   and society

A. The history of Terrorism
B. The political climate of yesterday and laws world wide
C.   Recruitment

II. Eco-Terrorism
A. locations of act and there environmental impact

III. Cyber-Terrorism
A.   Types of attacks

IV. Domestic-Terrorism
A.   Potential Targets

V. International-Terrorist
A. Past and Present acts of violence

VI. The Future of Terrorism
A. Technology and skill Versus innovation adaptation and determination


I.   Introduction Are we safer Eight years later? The aftermath of freedom, safety, cost   and society

Since September 11th 2001 America has spared no expense to protect the citizens and secure our boarders. Billions of dollars on spent on new research and equipment. Hundreds of hours of labor manning jobs patrolling or   responding to emergencies. As we stay proactive to prevent another terror attack on U.S. soil are we really safer that September 10 2001 or are we delusional?   In this paper I will examine terrorism in depth and explain in reason how easy it is to commit a act of terror and how difficult is it to prevent one.

The history of Terrorism
Terrorist acts or threats have existed for well over a thousand years. By nature terror is an act of committed by one agenda against another. Wither its politically motivated, militias against there established government or pro-life’s against abortion clinics and doctors. Or be it ethically motivated such as the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan against African Americans and Adolph Hitler’s campaign to eradicate the Jewish culture. As the time change so does the targets and practices this complicate the risks to the public and all first responders where as repetition breed predictability. This reinforces the constant problem facing everyone standing on the wall. A terrorist has to be right only once to create chaos. For...