Newcorp Legal Scenarios

NewCorp Legal Scenarios

Legal Encounter: 1
Pat was supposed to be receiving some type of notification about his work performance if there was any issue according to the NewCorp policy. The Senior Manager should have notified Pat before letting him go and given him a 30 days' severance pay that he was not pleased with how the job task handle. Pat was on the job for three months and that was enough time to tell him in what areas of improves needed fixed. Upon getting, hired Pat received the NewCorp's personnel manual that explain the employees' guidelines. In that guidelines express that, the employees notified of the deficiency along with being place on corrective action plan. In other words probation and if the employees performance not on working level he or she would be terminated.   In Pat cause, the boss did not handle his case like that and broke the guidelines of the NewCorp rules and regulations.
Pat has every right to sue due to workplace discrimination and employer breaching the contract of rules and regulation on the job.  
Legal Encounter: 2
When in the workplace supervisors and staff need not to have any personal relationship while on the job. Sam should know better as begin the supervisor having any means of relationships while on the job not permitted. Meanwhile after Paula called if off and Sam still consist to remain bothering her Paula could have went to someone over his title and report the situation. Sam must understand that this is a means of harassment. Sexual harassment can also be place on him if he touch or say words containing sexual acts against Paula. When Paula requested for a transfer other managers or supervisors should have not allowed Sam to get involved in Paula transfer. The information he provided about a fetus that do not exist should not go against her because all employees understand his or her rules and regulation upon being hired. Sam needs to have certain charges brought against him such as, misconduct and harassment...