Ncfe Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools (Stlv2) Short Test 1 1

a.     Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors

Children and young people development mostly if not decently is influenced by result of family, social-economic, psychological, and environmental, but most commonly involves an interaction among them all. Personal factors and conditions are those that make up the child's inner world, an understanding of life and the world as such, and his place in all this. Whether the world is something that is black and scary, from which should be avoided and must be over cautious or just vice versa, that the world is a friendly, that it can trust that we have the necessary and welcome.
From birth child's self-esteem begins with what they receive from their parents, their home surroundings, and most importantly emotional status of mother. Inability to provide safe environment will affect child’s capability to engage in any social activities. Child's self-esteem is a reliable basis for healthy growth and development in all areas - social, emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual.

b.     Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of external factors

The external factors that affect a child's development are: technology, economy, and different vices
1. Technology can influence both ways. Special internet and TV. We are a screen and connection culture. The movie screen has been followed by the television screen, which became a computer screen, and is now downsized to a cell phone screen. Today, young people spend a large portion of their waking hours in front of one or another screen. Positive side of this is that in their homes, children and youth now have as immediate access to information as well as schools and libraries. Science, literature, history, drama and the arts are all at their fingertips. It also influences all the communication part. The Internet and cell phone have made communication with peer’s instant, possible at...