Natural Resources

Natural Resources Task
-Wind Power
Wind power works by the use of wind turbines. They capture the kinetic energy in the wind when the blades spin. When the blades spin, they spin a shaft that leads from the hub of the spinning rotor to a generator, where it is turned from rotational energy into electricity.
Wind power, among most things, is generated from the sun. When a certain area is headed, the hotter air rises, and the surrounding cool air quickly rushes in to take its place, this is wind.
• Wind is free; no money is needed to produce the wind.
• No pollutants or green house gases are created once the rotors are installed.
• The turbines are incredibly tall, this means farming and such activities can take place underneath.
• Remoter areas are sometimes not connected to a power grid, so having turbines on their farms is convenient.
• Good alternative for Developing countries.

• Wind, in some places is not constantly consistent. It varies, meaning it will not produce the same amount of energy all the time.
• Many people believe in the natural countryside, and that it should not be bombarded with technology.
• Most people see the wind turbines as unsightly and ugly to look at.
• Large turbine farms would be needed to produce energy for a town.
• Wind turbine construction can be very costly.
• They’re very load.
-Solar Energy
Light, or sunlight, can be used to create heat or generate electricity, this is known as solar energy. Solar energy can be put into two forms, thermal conversion, which uses sunlight to create heat then turned into electricity. The other is photovoltaic conversion, which creates energy from light-rays using sheets of silicon or other materials.
The sunlight is collected using silicon panels, along the top of houses or buildings.

• After the initial instalment payment, it is free to run.
• The grid will buy electricity from you, saving money off your electricity bill.
• The...