Nan Is Not a Number

mercy kunedzimwe
BSTR     4.2
strategic management
qn: With the aid of examples from your industry, discuss the importance of organizational culture in strategic management.

Strategic management is a goals oriented management in which the mission and planned achievements of an organization are clearly set out and all the management processes are designed and monitored towards reaching the organization’s overall goals ( culture refers to the beliefs and assumptions, values, attitudes and behaviors of its members (Hall, 1993). It has also been defined as the pattern of beliefs, values and learned ways of coping with experiences that would have developed during the course of the organization’s history (Brown, 1998). According to Handy (1999), there are four different types of organizational cultures namely power culture, role culture, task culture and the person or support culture.
Power culture
Handy (1999) illustrates power culture as a spider’s web, with the all-important spider sitting in the center because the key to the whole organization sits in the center, surrounded by ever-widening circles of intimates and influence.   With the power culture, the closer you are to the spider, the more influence you have. In this organizational culture, succession is a critical issue and tends to attract people who are power oriented and politically minded and are ready to take risks.
Role culture
The role culture can be illustrated as a building supported by columns and beams, according to Handy (1999). Each column and beam has a specific role to play on keeping up the building; individuals are role occupants but the role continues even if the individual leaves. This culture is the ideal type of bureaucracy. Position is the main power source in the role culture and personal power is frowned upon and expert power is tolerated only in its proper place.
Task culture
Task culture is job-or project-oriented, and its...