My Invention

Lisa Morgan

Integrity and Ethics

Integrity and ethics both mean adherence to moral and ethic principles in other words honesty. In life we follow rules and do things we are told to get where we are today. Taking the easy way out by cheating is a way to fail in life because you will never be able to advance on your own.
Buying an essays involve questions of ethics, while subjecting students to scrutiny that could end their academic careers. If students are guided throughout the entire essay/paper project, the temptation to buy a finished product will diminish. Some institutions devote entire semesters to developmental and post-developmental writing skills.
When using someone else’s paper over to turn in remember it's who YOU are the college wants to see, and how well you write. If that's the way you start college, how could anyone believe you are worthy as a graduate? Employers are looking for employees they can be trusted, not people who have figured out how to cheat. You will have many, many essays to write in college. Those are your opportunity to learn how to write well, a skill you will definitely need on your road to success.
When using inappropriate language you are showing lack of maturity and lack of manners towards your peers and instructors. Being completely rude towards others by using bad language not only interrupts your further education but also of those trying to learn and being distracted by your inputs.
Unfortunately, the vast majority have no idea how to respond to the request or assignment, offering empty affirmation in the place of useful feedback. If you have the challenge of providing feedback to a friend or peer, praise for praise's sake is of little value. Instead, an honest, in-depth critique will help both the writer and the reviewer improve their skills. The critique, though, requires a thoughtful, tactful approach.
Since ignorance is not considered to be an adequate defense, it is essential that students become...