Music 128 Term

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Contextual Linear Significance - how music connects to art, history, society, politics - Overall aesthetic associations to other means and forms of expression and ideas
Improvisation - free musical 'on the spot' artistic, musical, expression
Ballad: strophic song - chorus, verse, chorus, verse etc...
Timbre - unique sound color of a particular instrument or voice that allows us to distinguish differences between them
Shape: Rise the tone by half step
Flat: Lower the tone by half step
Tonality: principle of organization around a tonic, or home pitch based on a major or minor scale.(Center tone)  
Major Tonality: WWHWWWH, third degree is raised by half step.
Minor Tonality: WHWWHWW, third degree is lower by half step.
Interval: is the distance between any two tones. (Counted by step)
Means of Expressivity: a style of visual art and literature in Germany and Australia in the early twentieth century. The term is sometimes also applied to music especially composers of the second Viennese School.
Genre: general term describer the standard category and overall character of a work.
Consonance: the tones provide a scense of relaxation and stability in music.
Dissonance: tons that sounds discordant and unstable in need to be resolution.
Melodic Shapes:
Disjunct: disconnected melody with many leaps
Conjunct: smooth connected melody that moves principle by small intervals

Chamber Music: ensemble music for up to about ten players with one player to a part.
Rhythm: the controlled movement of music in time. (what moves forward in time)
Accented Beat:   best become louder and louder
Offbeat: A weak beat or any pulse between the beats in a measured rhyme patter  
Syncopated Rhythm: Deliberate upsetting of the meter or pulse through a temporary shifting of the accent to a weak beat or an weak beat of an...